Saturday, October 23, 2021

Movie review - "Harvest of Hate" (1978) *

 I was keen to see this because of its reputation as one of the worst Australian TV movies of all time. It's a bizzare concoction where a couple, Kris McQuade and Dennis Grosvenor, and sent by Richard Meikle to check out a farmhouse... and are captured by Arabs who are using it as... a military training facility.

Grosvenor, who was in shows like Homicide and Chopper Squad, struts around with a moustache acting overweight macho while McQuade is a trooper. Actors wear headdresses to play Arabs. There's a British double agent. A lot of hanging around in rooms but also some decent production value - just silly production value (tanks, etc).

It was directed by Michael Thornhill. What did script consultant Harold Lander do?

Some interesting names on the credits: John Orsick in the cast, Scott Hicks was 2nd AD, Penny Chapman unit manager, David Copping art direction (good job).

You can't believe it exists.

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