Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Play review - "The Caine Mutiny Court Martial" by Herman Wouk

 Really solid courtroom drama. Three knock out characters - everyone knows Queeg but two others are standouts: the snotty, snivelly novelist Keefer who turns into the villain, and the heroic Jewish lawyer Greeberg. Maybe this is out of line, but I imagine these characters are Herman Wouk wrestling with himself. He can identify with the superior novelist, who is an Iago, proud of his petty achievements, but also of Greenberg, who worships old WASP sailors and the navy.

The story tries to have its cake and eat to to - Greenbeg is sorry for Queeg yet Queeg should clearly have been replaced; what else could they do?

Fascinating drama. The technical mumbo jumbo is also terrific. Surely an inspiration for A Few Good Men.

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