Saturday, September 19, 2020

Movie review - Xmen#5 - "X Men First Class" (2011) ****

 Matthew Vaughan doesn't have the reputation of a Chris Nolan but he sure can make a solid comic book movie. This for me was the best of the franchise so far, a very smart, stylish, well made piece of entertainment.

It had the benefit of a decent origin story - Xavier and Magneto have such a fascinating conflict, and Mystique also is compelling. Vaughan has cast it perfectly - Michael Fassbender and James McAvoy seem like friends, Jennifer Lawrence brings X factor, and others like Rose Byrne, Nicholas Hoult, January Jones, Kevin Bacon, etc are all very good. I guess some of the minor X men aren't that memorable. I loved seeing Michael Ironside in a big budget movie.

It is a little pervy - Zoe Kravitz, Jones and Byrne all strut around in lingere like, well, Claudia Schiffer and Lawrence discovers the joy of going nude and blue and tries to seduce Fassbender.

It dragged around the two third mark due to bloat but recovered, in part because the central conflict is so strong, you can't go wrong with Nazis, and Magneto such a justified protagonist.

Very entertaining.

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