Friday, September 18, 2020

Movie review - X-men#4 - "X-Men Origins: Wolverine" (2009) **

 Wolverine gets his own movie - it skips over him fighting with his brother in World War Two, and then we go into a brand new team full of mutants including Deadpool, then by minute 18 he's out, and with a girlfriend. Nothing wrong with banging through story but I wonder if they do it too quickly.

It's the classic sort of movie which seems unsure of its core. Which is dumb the core is so obvious: it should be about Wolverine and his brother, and Wolverine and his girlfriend. But the actor who plays the girl isn't up to it, and the film seems unsure of itself - it smells of "hey lets put this in" so you've got a bit of Ryan Reynolds, then a bit of Will Am I, and a bit of Taylor Kisch (who comes in at the end, and a bit of the blob, a bit of all these other movies.

It's a great example of how you can go wrong if you don't focus on the core. This movie has a core but doesn't focus on it.

It feels like a patchwork quilt. Not good. There were added quips and bits like Wolverine throwing his cigar on some flame. It just got annoying.

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