Friday, January 04, 2019

Movie review - "The Warrior and the Sorceress" (1984) **1/2

David Carradine adds some badly needed star power to Roger Corman's Argentinian-shot sword and sorcery opuses. He's got that relaxed charisma down pat as well as fight skills and is entirely believable as a soldier of fortune on a distant planet/wherever who walks into a town dominated by two feuding gangs. He plays them off against each other until he falls in love with a girl, Maria Socas.

It's Yojimbo once more. It's not bad - not amazing. But Yojimbo gives is a solid structure - like it forces it to be smarter.

I really wish the support cast had been better. There's some decent sword fights and dodgy direction. The dancer with four breasts made me laugh. There's a lot of breasts - they should have been better integrated.

It has a charm. I wish the handling had been more vigorous. There's a few rapes, as per usual - these things are not fun to watch.

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