Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Movie review - "Flight of the Lost Balloon" (1962) *1/2

Hard slogging. I admitted watched a poor quality print but this was not fun. It's an el cheapo attempt to do a Jules Verne story - it beat Five Weeks in a Balloon to the punch. So you've got three people in a balloon - and they don't meet any weird creatures (except a tall dude) or have very interesting adventures. There's some cannibals, random other natives, torture... that's about it. Really you shouldn't make this film on a super low budget.

The basic premise is dumb. This Hindu baddy wants the location of a treasure from a captured prisoner. So goes all the way to England to persuade a rescue mission to come, so he can get the guy's fiancee to act as leverage to get the prisoner to tell. It's robs the story of all mystery and adventure because we start at the destination - the whole thing is a trick. (Would've been better to not have had the opening sequence and explained it later). It also makes travelling seem easy - I know they have a rough time in the balloon but the Hindu managed to go the other way easy enough.

Marshall Thompson and Mala Powers offer some C list star power.

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