Monday, August 06, 2018

Movie review - "When You're Strange" (2009) ***1/2

Once upon a time I was a massive Doors fan, so I got into this doco, whose main benefit is some incredible footage of the band. Jim Morrison was a film student at one stage, and so made a bunch of films - including one fascinating piece where he's hitchhiking and driving through the desert. There's also concert footage, pictures of him as a kid, TV appearances - these are more familiar.

A very vivid picture of Morrison emerges - smart, charismatic, needing family, a bit of a wanker who was ultimately brought down by good old fashioned alcoholism. The band dynamics were always interesting - Morrison the quintessential front man, Robbie Krieger the guitarist whom everyone seemed to respect, John Densmore who struggled with Morrison but whose drumming was so crucial, Ray Manzareck who was the original driving force and got somewhat sidelined. There was also Paul Rothschild, whose professionalism was so crucial to what was a relatively rapid rise, and Pamela Courson.

It was made by Tom Di Cillo, best known for Living in Oblivion.

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