Sunday, August 05, 2018

Movie review - "Vampirella" (1996) *

You'd think Jim Wynorski and Roger Corman would be naturals for an adaptation of the famous comic book but this is dull and remarkably unsexy. Talia Soto, the Bond girl, isn't well cast - the film needed someone with a spectacular figure, and very dynamic. It's a star making role that didn't have a star.

Roger Daltrey throws himself into it as the main villain but the heroic male lead is a bit bland - as they tend to be in films with female superheroes. He doesn't have much chemistry with Soto - although there's some fun with their loud kissing.

No one feels like a vampire - more actors with fangs. It's not exciting or sexy. Some decent music.

John Landis makes a cameo as an astronaut. He should do more acting.

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