Sunday, August 26, 2018

Movie review - "Avengers: Infinity War" (2018) **** (warning: spoilers)

A genuine marvel, if you'll excuse the pun - how they pulled off such a juggling act, which so much expectation and so many characters to service. And they did, big time.

How? Well the basic story is super duper simple - bad guy wants stones. Easy to follow. They focus on character work - a few characters in particular who have depth, so at the end when everyone "dies" it means something: there's the father-son relationship between Tony Stark and Peter Parker, the rivalry between the egomaniacs/basically same character Stark and Dr Strange, the romances between Vision and Scarlett and the Star lord and Gamora, and the father-daughters relationship between Thanos and Gamora.

Characters like Black Widow, Steve Rodgers, Black Panther, etc take more of a back seat, which is entirely appropriate. Thor has a great moment with a semi nervous breakdown. Plenty of smart lines, and extremely well done action sequences.  A very good movie.

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