Saturday, October 20, 2012

Movie review - "Stunt Rock" (1978) **

An utterly fascinating movie that is impossible to dislike because it is so completely, utterly daggy. Brian Trenchard Smith tried on several occasions to make a star out of Grant Page and never quite succeeded - this was his international attempt, a concoction of stunts, an un-famous rock band (Sorcery) and a random Dutch actress, plus Trenchard-Smith's own wife and some stock footage involving Page's stunts in old movies such as Mad Dog Morgan.

Trenchard Smith keeps everything going at a fast clip but deserves to be wrapped over the knuckles for not coming up with anything approaching a story - Grant Page plays Grant Page who turns up in LA to do some work and is related to a member of a band. Margaret Gerard (Mrs T-S) is a journalist doing a story on him. And that's it. Seriously - I thought someone would try to kill off members of the band, or Page, or something but it never happens. Page gets injured, recovers, does a stunt, there is some philosophical discussion on the nature of stunt work, the climax involves Page doing a stunt at concert, there's a sort of romance between Page and the journo... but that's it. It's negligent this was made, really - but I'm giving it two stars just for the sheer randomness of its existence.

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