Sunday, October 28, 2012

Movie review - "Alison's Birthday" (1980) *1/2 (warning: spoilers)

A fairly dreadful Aussie knock off of Romemary's Baby marked by some soapie Tv performances of the leads, including the pretty Joanne Samuel, who seems like a nice person but acts Sons and Daughters style. So does the guy who plays her boyfriend - and the adults aren't that much better, although it is a novelty to see Bunny Brooke as a more upper class type. Actors like Vincent Ball and Brian Blain to their best but ultimately come across as silly.

This sort of material can work - it's not a bad story, the final twist is the same as that used in The Skeleton Key which I really liked - but it needs atmosphere, menace, spookiness, decent acting and directing, none of which is provided here. The opening, with Alison and her friends having a seance and one person being killed, isn't bad - ditto the ending, with Alison being trapped in an old person's body. But it makes too many mistakes - Joanne Samuels isn't allowed to be pretty, her character is far too passive (boyfriend Lou Brown carries the action trying to rescue her), it's an ugly looking film.

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