Thursday, January 04, 2007

Movie review - "Stay Alive" (2006) **

Surprisingly decent horror film - nothing much new, but it looks handsome and proceeds at a fair pace. I didn't mind it as I watched it but afterwards its formulaic nature becomes irritating: a gimmick concept (if you play a video game you end up dead) rehashed from another hit (The Ring), a visual style rehashed from another hit (The Ring), a series of friends who are killed off one by one (the lead with a Past, the kookie girl, the nerd), a scene where they investigate a historical mystery (Elizabeth Bathory - info seemingly culled off wikipedia and transplanted to America), reading a local book to get information, a climax where the leading two people face death and have to kill the baddie a special way. 

Angelina Jolie's brother appears, looking like a male Angelina Jolie impersonator; Frankie Muniz is in it, too - he's perfectly fine in the role, it's just weird seeing Frankie Muniz in this sort of movie (horror movie casts are traditionally the province of stars of teen drama - Sophia Bush from One Tree Hill is in this).

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