Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Book review - "American Rhapsody" by Joe Eszterhas

A weird kind of book - Joe's retelling of the Clinton Lewinksy scandal, done in a racy fashion, interspersed with occasional imaginings from other people's POV about the story (eg Clinton) then taking detours to chatting about Hollywood, himself and a few other topics. It was enjoyable, it seemed to be well researched, and while I was familiar with the basis of the story there was lots of stuff I didn't know. Eszterhas is really into Clinton, really gets him, the whole southern governor sex maniac thing, and there are entertaining riffs on Clinton being black and masturbation (he argues masturbators like jogging and jacuzzis - which when you think about it is right). His takes on the supporting characters are especially interesting: Vernon, Carville, Linda Tripp, etc.

The style did feel familiar and I couldn't figure out why til it hit me - Bob Ellis' books on politics are like this. Ellis wrote this way before Eszterhas - it must be that form of new journalism the boomers are hung up on. I don't mind it if the writer is skilled enough and Eszterhas is. Like Ellis he is very obssessed with sex and himself but he lacks Ellis' idealism. Eszterhas craps on again how he slept with Sharon Stone - I bet Shaz regrets ever throwing him that bone. There were some film anecdotes surprisingly not covered in his later books, like a film that was going to be made by Gina Gershon and Nick Broomfield.

As with his other books, I couldn't help thinking how much Joe E is in love with his rock and roll former life - easy sex at Rolling Stone magazine and in Hollywood, hanging out with rock stars in bars. If I was his second wife, I would keep a fierce eye on it.

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