Monday, January 08, 2007

Movie review - "Mission Impossible" (1996) **1/2

Paramount spared no expense in ensuring this Tom Cruise film became an above average flick: hiring Brian de Palma to direct and Robert Towne and Steve Zaillian to write the script, using a top notch support cast - for Gen X'ers there's Emilio Estevez, for lovers of class there's Kristin Scott Thomas and Vanessa Redgrave, for French there's Jean Reno and Emmanuelle Beart, for Quentin Tarantino fans there's Ving Rhames. 

Something for everyone, and it must be said that there are two memorable moments: Cruiser almost falling into the security system and being held up by ropes, and the helicopter in the tunnel. Redgrave brings some delightful spice to her crooked character.

But it's not a really first rate action film. Certainly no Aliens or Die Hard. De Palma is off form and blows it in a few places you think would be easy - like when Cruise's team being wiped out, it's not that exciting or even moving. 

Cruise is solid enough but anyone could have played this, he doesn't bring his patented cockiness, looking-for-mother-love redeemed yuppie schtick. The format doesn't work as well as a star vehicle - Mission Impossible is about teamwork. The sequels didn't make things better, either. (The first two anyway).

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