Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Movie review - JL#12 - "The Nutty Professor" (1963) ***1/2

Often held up to be Jerry Lewis' masterpiece and I would agree - it's not a masterpiece per se but definitely better than most films he made. It has a strong idea, consistent and logical plot, a solid moral, good acting, and Jerry plays two roles, none of which is his standard idiot part. The smarmy Buddy Love has been seen as a dig on Dean Martin but I would go along with the view that it is the alter ego of the real Jerry Lewis. The final speech at the end is very touching. It did lack some laugh out loud gags. Stella Stevens doe-eye looks of adoration are sweet - she really brings a lot to the film, and achieves the difficult act of believably falling for an idiot (a 60s Drew Barrymore). Lewis lacked having a co-star like her in his films.

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