Saturday, January 27, 2007

Movie review – M&L#6 - “Jumping Jacks” (1952) **1/2

You couldn’t go wrong with a service comedy in the fifties, with a generation of Americans having served in the army during the war (and the next generation also serving with the draft). Jerry Lewis tries to help out old mate Dean Martin who is in the army by performing at a show (where the number is the incredibly tacky ‘Parachute Jump’ and there are a few other numbers like it) but through his own big mouth finds himself permanently in the army.

I remember thinking this film was funny when watching it as a kid but it hasn’t worn that well (Lewis a bit too much of a retard), although there are some laugh out loud moments. It is funny in that no matter what Lewis does his star in the army rises while Martin suffers – even more could have been made of this. Lewis does a fair amount of schtick, there is a bullying sergeant, a climax involving maneuvers, etc. Made with army co-operation, even though Lewis basically pretends to be a soldier and they decide at the end to cover it up. Maybe they figure its worth it to make the army seem like fin, which it does.

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