Thursday, January 07, 2021

Movie review - "Christmas in July" (1940) **1/2

 Not as impressive as The Great McGinty - the problem is the basic story. Dick Powell is a gormless idiot who is clearly a gambling addict, constantly entering competitions. He thinks he's a chance to win a coffee slogan ("it's in the bunk"), and is tricked into believing he's successful. He acts like a complete idiot, running around and blowing all the money on expensive gifts for his girlfriend, mother and whole neighbourhood (including a crippled girl getting a doll which did get to me, I admit).

It's stressful to watch because Powell is an idiot, with no apparent talent - the sort of Gary Cooper part who would be the hero in a Frank Capra movie. He blows all his money without checkign which is dumb rather than funny and I just found it stressful.

The pace is fast and the cast strong especially the support cast. Ellen Drew is sweet as Powell's girlfriend.

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