Friday, May 22, 2020

Play review - "Face to Face" by David Williamson (2000)

Williamson rejuvenated his playwriting with his trilogy of conferencing plays - the published edition starts off with a fascinating essay about dispute resolution, highlighting Williamson's interest in psychology.

This is a pure theatre play too - a long continuous scene of a conferencing session. There is a solid story - explaining why a work mate went berserk and attacked his boss - and large cast, but everyone gets their chance in the sun (I still wonder if maybe the best friend character could have been combined with the mother or another character). As usual the women are weaker - the rich wife who is cheated on, the mistress who just wants a nice guy - but the pacing is fast, the handling very sure.

It maybe is a little "wish fulfilment" at the end but the liberal humanism is warming.

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