Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Movie review - "Swamp Women" (1955) ** (rewatching)

A terrific idea, some excellent actors and location filming in Louisiana. It doesn't quite work in part because the copy I watched was crappy.

A female cop goes undercover at a girls prison in order to find out where some diamonds are. Fantastic set up. The undercover cop isn't very good but the others include Beverly Garland and Marie Windsor. Touch Connors is the hunk they abduct.

There complications that ensue are decent enough on the pace - conflict over Connors, conflict within the girls, the cop falls for Connors - but its not a really top class script. I wish Charles Griffith had taken a pass at this.

There is action and movement and the swampy setting is novel. But it feels produced more than directed - Corman has all the elements but can't make it come alive the way he would in a few years.

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