Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Movie review - "Ski Troop Attack" (1960) ** (re-watching)

This film was apparently freezing to make and it looks freezing but the location adds a lot - the action sequences are decent and it only clocks in at 60 minutes. Troops on skis has novelty and because it was a patrol film it is inherently low budget. I got confused by what was happening at times it felt as though the film lacked coverage.

I wouldn't have minded more character stuff - an interlude with a German girl only lasts a few minutes but they could've gotten more out of it. The one conflict is between the more cautious officer and the bloodthirsty sergean. They needed a third character complicating things.

It's not one of Chuck Griffith's best scripts - there's no outlandishness. It is functional. And it's fun to see Corman as a German - I swear he's at the beginning among the Americans too.

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