Saturday, May 23, 2020

Play review - "A Conversation" by David Williamson (2001)

A stunningly good play, one of Williamson's greatest - easily the best of the Jack Manning trilogy. This is greatly due to the fact it's about the rape and murder of a young woman - the deed has been done, it's devastated the participants forever. 

William goes for it here - why did he stop going for it? Too emotionally exhausting? It's so powerful, the father and the mother of the dead girl, the sister, brother, uncle and mother of the killer, the psychiatrist who recommended the killer be set free.

The jarring bit is the sister of the killer - I get where she's coming from, she makes valid dramatic points, it's just she comes on too strong for me and clangs at times. She holds her own, mind.

It's moving, skillfully written and powerful.

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