Thursday, March 26, 2020

Movie review - "The Post" (2018) ***

Solid story - I was surprised, I wasn't sure how they could get drama out of printing leaks, but they went to character, establishing Kay Graham as haunted by her husband's suicide and her own inexperience and insecurity... and having Ben Bradlee motivated by a desire to beat the Times as much as save democracy.

There's typically high quality production design, Spielberg moves the camera around and lingers over his production design in a way that suggests perhaps the material doesn't completely resonate for him - he clearly finds it interesting rather than fully emotionally engaging. But it is a smart film for grown ups.

Strong cast, Meryl is very good and Tom Hanks is fine but he simple feels miscast - when he's smoking cigarettes and being gruff you kept thinking "that's Tom Hanks acting" in a way I never did Jason Robards in that role.

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