Saturday, March 14, 2020

Movie review - "Bear Island" (1979) **

Watching this again after having read the book:
* they should have kept the film crew idea instead of changing them to
* Donald Sutherland looks like a drip in his intro scene falling into the water while being winched on to a boat and having to be picked up - he's not a terribly charismatic hero (within 35 minutes he's in bed again, having survived an avalanche) but at least he's Canadian
* I think they should have kept Sutherland's character a doctor as it would've given him more status
* the avalanche scene is quite good
* I think they made a mistake getting to the island so quickly instead of having some creepy stuff on the boat with people being murdered
*there's too many middle aged/old actors and too many accents
* it never gets pace going... or much atmosphere
* the scenery is splendid
*there's too many parkers
* good actors just hard to tell their characters apart - the actors have gone for accents (eg Vanessa Redgrave as Norwegian)
*there's a lack of build
*having Nazis and a thief wasn't a bad idea but it doesn't flow
A bit of a mess. Nice visuals. 

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