Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Movie review - "Gunman's Walk" (1957) **1/2 (warning: spoilers)

I recognise the quality of this - it's expertly put together. There's something not nice about it though. Maybe it lacks warmth despite being a family story. Gnarled rancher Van Heflin has two kids - bad Tab Hunter and good James Darren.

No one is entirely comfortable in Western garb but they acquit themselves fine. All the gasp-shock acting about half breeds got wearying especially as for all the film's ostensible anti racism the only Indian who gets a decent part is Kathryn Crosby and she's so clearly white and just plays an aw-gee type (aw gee I want to be a teacher).

Hunter is very good in an unsympathetic role. Darren isn't bad. Neither is Heflin. I apprecite the film showed some warmth between Hunter and Darren.
Solid ending where Heflin shoots Hunter dead then cries about it to Darren - this was moving.  It feels cheap. Low budget. I wasn't wild about it but recognise its professional sheen.

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