Monday, March 23, 2020

Movie review - "The Legend of the Lone Ranger" (1981) **

The ghost of Superman hangs over this - respectful treatment of its source material, the unknown in the lead, the long time devoted to build up of the story. Lew Grade said the movie didn't get going until the Ranger put on his mask, which is true - but the early stuff could have worked if simply done better.

In Superman Clark Kent had a clear character but the Lone Ranger doesn't have one. He starts out as honest and decent. Turns into someone honest and decent. There's no Zorro/Pimpernel/Superman style contrast. The female character has nothing going on.

Chris Lloyd does well as the baddie as does Jason Robards as Grant. Lloyd needed a decent henchman. The two leads are forgettable as is the female lead - all opportunities missed. They should have gotten decent TV/broadway actors - Christopher Reeve was inexperienced but had done a decent amount of theatre and was classically trained.

It's not well directed. Few films directed by former DOPs are. It looks good - stylish, handsome, decent production values. But it doesn't build. Or tell a story.

There is clearly some intelligence and taste here and it should have been an ideal kids film but they didn't understand character.

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