Sunday, February 23, 2020

Movie review - Jungle Jim#2 - "The Lost Tribe" (1949) **1/2

A very Tarzan-esque entry - it even starts with Johnny Weismuller diving off a cliff into a lgaoon for a swim and rescuing a native girl from an attack, and there's a lost city determined to keep out whites and whites determined to rob it.

A surprisingly large amount of this is set on the coat - at a port town, where Jim/Weismuller does a lot of diving into the sea and fights underwater.

There is plenty of action, Weismuller is dreadful, the support cast is strong and the handling is vigorous. If you get in the mood its kind of fun - Ray Corrgian in a gorilla suit, Weismuller being strung up not once but twice (smashed in the face too), a big battle at the end in the forgotten city, a native leader with a white beard and beautiful speaking voice dressed like he's out of a H Rider Haggard novel, the gorilla coming in at the end to save the day, a surprise death of the blonde femme detale.

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