Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Movie review - "Alcatraz Express" (1962) ***

Two episodes of The Untouchables put together for a cinema release and it makes a strong movie in part because the story is ideal - it's about Al Capone being sentenced to prison and his plan to escape while being transferred to newly-formed Alcatraz.

Robert Stack's sincere, intense performance and sing-song-y delivery adds to the camp fun - particularly when he talks about isolating vermin in a place like Alcatraz (they talk a lot about construction costs which is a nice realistic touch), tells a guy who has been shot that he's going to die soon so may as well tell the truth, spends a lot of time hanging around his office with the anonymous other Untouchables.

Walter Winchell's infomation packed narration adds to the fun as does Neville Brand's performance as Al Capone and the very high death toll. I mean, seriously, people were always being offed in this show.

Its well done and a lot of fun.

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