Monday, February 17, 2020

Movie review - "First Men in the Moon" (1964) ***1/2 (re-viewing)

I liked this even more the second time I watched it - period pieces have charm and I think make the "dynamtion" of Ray Harryhausen more believable.  Lionel Jeffries is fun as the professor running his own space program in 1899 - the two who go up there with him are Edward Judd and Martha Hyer, both fine.

They needed another character or two though because when they get to the moon the creatures they meet don't really have a personality - they are creepy, and it's great, and there's wonderful atmosphere. The film needed a subplot - a traitor on board, or people going mad in space, or something. Or to give more to Martha Hyer who is a competent game actor but she has to spend most of her time whingeing about Judd not wanting to marry her.

But the colour is lovely, the opening sequence is a delight, is has a feel of Victoriana and adventure, the moon is mysterious and strange, Harryhausen's effects are charming. I just really liked it.

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