Friday, January 10, 2020

Movie review - "The Newman Shame" (1978) *1/2

George Lazenby only made a few movies in Australia - I'm surprised he didn't make more especially in the 10BA era but there you go. This gives him a decent role as an ex cop investigating the suicide of a banker friend. Because the friend calls up his wife before he suicides saying "I'm being blackmailed" it's not much of a mystery to investigate.

Lazenby pokes around the porn industry of Perth which as depicted here is quite lively and ruthless, enticing elderly bankers to toga clad orgies where they are drugged. Diane Craig is Lazenby's girlfriend who goes undercover as a porn actor/masseuse - this being a TV movie she doesn't go all the way through with it.

Joan Bruce as the widow probably has more screen time than her character deserves  - she sits around and reacts and is gossiped to by Judy Nunn, which is entertaining, but really she should have been doing some more investigating. I guess they figured she was too old - why not make her younger and have her do it, and combine her character with Craig/

The film has a weird rhythm - investigate some of the case, stop for a chat by the pool, investigate again, chat again. It's a silly movie with convoluted plotting of the kind you come to expect from Bruce Wishart scripts but has enough nuttiness to keep you watching - me anyway: Ken Goodlet in a toga, Alan Cassell being a cop, Lazenby getting in fights, Diane Craig in a swim suit.

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