Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Movie review - "Airplane!" (1980) *****

Saw this so many times as a kid I can practically recite the whole thing (though I did get some jokes to the second mixed up). Random thoughts:
* Robert Hays and Julie Hegarty both superb and both should have had bigger careers
* Leslie Nielsen would be the best out of all the veterans - they're all great, mind, but his timing is tighter, his delivery stronger
* Steven Stucker is brilliant
* Lorna Patterson's part is bigger than I remembered and she's lovely
* the actual drama of the storyline is solid - Arthur Hailey should get more credit
* Peter Graves goes there - molestation humour still hits home
* Elmer Bernstein's music is perfect
* Jonathan Banks is in this!
* Kareem Abdul Jabar is hilarious
I don't know what else to say. It is so funny, so fast, so entertaining.

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