Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Book review - "Catch and Kill: Lies, Spies, and a Conspiracy to Protect Predators " by Ronan Farrow (2019)

First some sniping - Farrow is a little annoying at times, and it feels mean when he makes digs at Jackie (there's no need for it). But it's an engrossing book, a story of his attempt to run a story about Harvey Weinstein at NBC which wound up at the New Yorker.  The book by those Times reporters is more no frills journalism - Farrow is more a media celebrity, with his famous relatives, and being staked out. This one feels more high drama with Black Cube stalking him and what not.

The corporate cover stuff up is all too easy to believe. This is full of colourful characters like Tom Brokaw and Matt Lauer - and Harvey Weinstein as ever makes a compelling antagonist. He put in so much effort into committing these crimes then covering it up - it's exhausting.

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