Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Movie review - "Is There Anybody There?" (1976) **1/2 (re-watching) (warning: spoilers)

I went easier on this the second time I viewed in part because it was so much better than the later collaborations between Bruce Wishart and Robert Bruning especially things like Demolition.

This is a perfectly decent psycho thriller with Tina Grenville getting out of the nuthouse unaware that husband George Lazenby is banging sister Wendy Hughes and there's two shifty characters hanging around, Patrick Ward and Chantal Contouri. There's also some best friends who turn out to be red herrings.

The twists develop nicely - Hughes is the one who is gaslit, Grenville is fine, Lazenby is killed by Hughes, Grenville is on with Ward... I would have liked a bigger role for Lazenby and also Charles Tingwell who pops up.

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