Monday, September 02, 2019

Movie review - "Wintertime" (1943) ***

Sonja Henie's last film for Fox seems to borrow a lot from Sun Valley Serenade - it's set in a North American ski resort, Henie plays a Norwegian, there's a big band performing at the resort, a slinky dame... But it's a fun movie. It's reputation isn't the highest and it's very much re heating old ingredients but it's done with skill and spirits.

Cornel Wilde is the fresher face here - relatively new to his Fox contract he's a virile leading man and I liked that his character was shy and awkward with women. Cesar Romeo is reliable fun as the big headed big band leader and Jack Oakie provides decent comedy. S Z Sakall is Henie's dad, so the support cast is strong. Carole Landis throws herself into things as a fake love interest who becomes, surprisingly, friends with Henie (she has a more genuine rival elsewhere).

Everyone goes for it -the last ten minutes Romeo acts his arse off. The filmmakers knew it and give him all the screen action basically palming off Wilde altogether and keeping Henie on the ice. Romero goes to town.

The film just wants to make you happy. I found this endearing.

It is weird how it touched on the invasion and occputatio of Norway but uses it pretty much just as a plot point - so SZ Sakall can't afford to buy the hotel any more and that Henie needs to be married to stay. Still, it's a realistic seeming plot point. I liked that it was set in Canada and Wilde and Jack Oakie ran a run down ski lodge.

Some great skating including a number on black ice.

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