Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Movie review - "Stunts" (1977) **

Stuntmen became all the rage in the late 70s with films like Hooper and this. Robert Forster investigates the death of his brother in a stunt, leading to several more stunts.

The cast is very good - in addition to the always reliable Forster, there's Fiona Lewis (who gets some feminism - when a lech hits on her she agrees provided he brings some extra men along, and she looks like she'd go through with it), Candice Rialson (starlet who bedded the brother and hits on Forster), Richard Lynch, Bruce Glover, Ray Sharkey, Joanna Cassidy.

It was directed by Mark Lester of Commando fame. It's slowly paced - despite the stunts it's more a murder mystery and trogs along. It needed more exploitation fun. There's not even nudity.

Rialson is wasted in a stock slutty role though she does get a good dramatic moment when she's been beaten up. The film is progressive in some interesting ways - Cassidy is a fully fledged part of the stunt team.

The best feature is the acting - the cast is very good. Forster is an ideal laid back hero. But it's a bit slow. This was the first production from New Line Pictures.

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