Saturday, September 07, 2019

Movie review - "The Professor and the Madman" (2019) **1/2

Probably as good a film as could have been made from this book although I understand production was troubled. Mel Gibson plays the professor even though you think he'd be obvious casting for the madman - Sean Penn is very good, don't get me wrong, but Gibson's got that glint.

It's tricky material to adapt because there's a lot of talk about dictionaries and the two main characters mostly correspond via letters.

The film makes attempts to include women - Natalie Dormer as the wife of the man killed by Penn and Jennifer Ehle gets a big moment as Gibson's wife but she's basically just Gibson's wife and Dormer's basically someone's wife.

Eddie Marsan is excellent as a guard ditto Stephen Dillane and Steve Coogan. It looks great - there's a fantastic library where Gibson's character does work. Sometimes it gets movie-ish but I'm sympathetic as to why they did that.

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