Sunday, July 14, 2019

Movie review - "Holmes and Watson" (2019) *

Will Ferrell was once the blue chip comedy star - so many of his films were great. John C Reilly's fantastic too. I figured this couldn't have been as bad as I heard.

It was.

What went wrong? There are some funny bits - I laughted at Kelly MacDonald's Mrs Hudson continually having sex with celebrities in Watson's bed. I liked Lauren Lapkus pretending to be a cat. I laughed when Holmes and Watson knocked over Queen Victoria.

But the film doesn't seem to have a comic vision. Ferrell always plays morons. And some of the time Holmes is a moron. But other times he's quite smart. And it doesn't make sense.

The film is all over the place.One minute the leads are gay then they're straight. The humour is broad then it's subtle. Is it a spoof? A buddy comedy?

The Adam McKay Ferrell films always felt very clean and clear. You got a sense of what they were about, what they were trying to do, what they were sending up. You knew the world. (The time line for this movie is all over the place - there's Harry Houdini, Queen Victoria, the Titanic. It doesn't take much effort to get that stuff right.)

It's just a mes and was hard to watch.

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