Sunday, May 05, 2019

Movie review - "Welcome to the Jungle" (2003) ***

The script for this film is absolutely fine. There's a strong cast and gorgeous locations - jungle has rarely looked as lushly green.

But there's a central, major fault - the casting of Sean William Scott.

I know Scott was a hot ticket at the time, and it isn't as though he's bad he's just pointless. What's his character? What's the type? He's just sort of a young cocky guy - a pseudo Tom Cruise.

If he was playing Stifler from American Pie that would've made sense because that would've been funny. But it's as though Scott didn't want to do that... but didn't replace it with anything else. Because Dwayne Johnson is in it Scott can't even be that heroic - Johnson gets dibs.

I kept wishing it was a buddy comedy with another buddy. Jack Black, say. Or a girl, so that there would be some sexual tension. Rosario Dawson is a revolutionary - but there's no reason you couldn't have two.

The action scenes are done with energy, it's an engaging film, Johnson has charisma and there's a cute cameo from Arnie.

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