Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Doris Day Obscure Top 5

In memory of Doris Day a top five of some more obscure works in her filmography
1) Storm Warning (1951) - Doris plays a woman whose husband (Steve Cochran) is a member of the KKK - her sister (Ginger Rogers!) busts up the gang with the help of a crusading DA (Ronald Reagan!)
2) Julie (1956) - Doris is a stewardess with a psycho husband (Louis Jourdan) who she has to battle... leading to a climax where she lands a plane, perhaps the first stewardess landing the plane climax in film history. Go Doris!
3) Midnight Lace (1960) - Doris is stalked again, in a decent psycho thriller co written by Australia's own Ivan Goff
4) Caprice (1967) - Doris and Richard Harris as industrial spies who flirt and double cross each other in a film very, very much like the later Julia Roberts-Clive Owen film Duplicity
5) The Ballad of Josie (1968) - Doris shoots her abusive husband in the old west and sets up a suffrage film

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