Thursday, May 02, 2019

Movie review - "The Phantom Gunslinger" (1967, released 1970) *

Weird comedy -was there a market for such things in the 1960s because it reminded me of something like Unkissed Bride. Troy Donahue, career firmly on the slide now, actually seems to try as an aspiring preacher who winds up sheriff of a town overrun by gangsters.

It was shot in Mexico with a mostly Mexican cast although the heavily endowed Brit actor Sabrina is in it. There are bright colours and nutty behaviour - it's like an episode of The Monkees or something. only not funny. It's hard going a lot of the time. My four year old watched it with me part of the time and liked the colour and movement.

Albert Zugsmith directed this!

It should be said too that Donahue seems to throw himself into the role, acting with more energy and pace than he did in his soulful Delmer Daves hey day.

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