Sunday, July 22, 2018

TV review - "Star Trek" ep 1 "Man Trap" (1966) **1/2

The first episode broadcast wasn't the first made - they picked this apparently because it had a relatively easy to follow horror plot: a killer creature goes on board and creates havoc. It's a little like The Thing because it can take over people - in this case a woman who was an ex of McCoy.

The episode does show the camaraderie between Kirk, Spock and McCoy which became crucial to the show's success. None of this was in "The Cage". Shatner is much much better than Jeff Hunter - more dynamic, warmer, more humorous.

There's some camp comedy with Spock smacking around a woman (but it's okay because she's really a monster). We also meet our first "red shirt" - in this case a blue shirt, who is killed.

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