Monday, July 16, 2018

Movie review - "Justice League" (2017) **

The movie gets off to a wonky start with Superman talking to camera - not a bad idea itself but he's got this wonky face thing happening which I gather was because the CGI'd out the actor's beard. Then it gets worse with a cover version of "Everybody Knows" which smells of try hard cool for trailers, and a silly slow mo sequence of a fat bald man smashing up a store which I think is meant to show disintegration of society.

The film doesn't work. It feels just silly - Wonder Woman and Batman and Aquaman. I didn't buy that they lived in the same world and knew each other. It was tired and uninvolving.

The villain was so dull - some creature who wants a box for world domination. No complexity, no shade. A bunch of Amazons get killed. Then underground people. I did worry for the Russian family. There's random terrorist attacks like the silly one led by the Game of Thrones guy who is beaten by Wonder Woman.

Ben Affleck looked tired. Jeremy Irons is miscast - I don't buy him as a servant; the lacks the warmth someone like Michael Caine or Billy Connolly would have brought to the role. Gai Gadot tries but struggles without a decent emotive plot like rebelling against her family or falling in love or clashing with the new world.  Amy Adams feels wasted. Diane Lane looks wasted.

Ezra Miller is lively as the Flash - he at least has a clear relationship with the others, clingy with Batman, a crush on Wonder Woman, bewildered by Acquaman. I wasn't sure how Batman felt about anyone. I guess it was cool Acquaman mocked Batman - the film could've used more of this interpersonal stuff. But he kind of stuck out in the group. Jason Moama is okay in the role - his character feels weird.

Ray Fisher isn't very good as Cyborg but he had the best character - a teenager moody and lonely because he was half machine. That's a great emotional core around which to build a film - surely he would be more annoyed at dad (Joe Morton)? But he doesn't get enough screen time.

A film that tries to do too much and none of it well.

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