Saturday, January 06, 2018

Movie review - "A Good Man" (2014) ** (warning: spoilers)

Steven Seagal is required to do a bit more running and emoting than in his later movies in this one. He's a special ops who takes part in a mission that goes wrong - in part because he can only do it with one other person (it's a low budget film). It's actually a decent sequence which results in a bunch of women and children being killed and Seagal trying to save a girl's life and she dies.

Then he's recovering in Eastern Europe and forms a relationship with a single mum and her little sister, Hondo style. The mum has a brother, who shares hero duties with Seagal - he's Victor Webster, a good looking guy with a decent screen presence who shares the load with Seagal well (I'd never seen him before but he'd done a heap of TV).

Tzi Ma is a decent villain. There are several scenes in a strip club which are a drag - like 80s Cannon cinema. Director Keoni Waxman ensures it's fast paced. Some of the action stuff is a bit vicious and unpleasant and Romania (where the film was shot) isn't terribly interesting visually.

Iulia Verdes is the single mum. There's a really awkward final embrace between her and Seagal where it looks like she's giving him a lap dance and he's sitting down and she so clearly doesn't want to be there.

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