Friday, June 08, 2007

TV series review - "Rome" Episodes 4-6

Cesar occupies Rome and eventually decides to leave. There is a bit more warmth to the lead two characters - though just as you're warming to Ray Stevenson he tortures and kills someone. I know the arguments for this sort of thing "why do characters have to be 'likable'?" 'it was a hard time - these were hard men", "we don't want to pander to our viewers" - but if there were a few more characters who were, I don't know, a bit nicer, it would make viewing this a lot more enjoyable. For all that its still engrossing with all the plotting and counter plotting.Simon Callow pops up in one episode and its nice to see a familiar face- a few more and it might have been easier to keep track of who is who. The Roger Corman principles of nudity or violence every ten seconds still apply - there's full frontal from Marc Antony, torture, broken arms. And yes I know that sort of thing went on but they also built a lot of aqueducts, too, and we don't see that, do we? Great scene where Cesar's ex curses him.

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