Friday, June 08, 2007

Movie review - "Funny Farm" (1988) **

I have a theory Hollywood types enjoy films about the difficulties of renovation and living in the country because its something they actually have experience with - that and divorce. Chevy Chase and Madolyn Smith move out the country and have some adventures, pleasant enough but lacking a couple of genuine belly laughs.
The film feels as though it needs another subplot or major character - kids, or wacky neighbours ala The Egg and I. As it is we have all this stuff about writing a book and husband and wife stealing ideas off each other and it isn't very interesting. Life in the country isn't particularly charming either -though it livens up towards the end when the locals have to pretend to be a Norman Rockwell painting.
Chase is a bit subdued - he should have been a natural in the role but he doesn't have all the things to bounce off, like he did in the "Vacation" series - his character isn't as defined as Clark Griswald, and not enough things happen. Smith is a leggy, sexy performer who can act but who never really got the breaks -she, too, could have done with another major character to play off against.

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