Thursday, June 21, 2007

Comic review - Asterix #27 - "Asterix and Son"

Asterix and Obelix do Two Gauls and a Baby as a mysterious bub turns up on Asterix's doorstep. There is some fun when the baby gets stuck into magic potion and starts beating people up (its especially funny when he smacks around animals), but this gets repetitive after a while. This is a bit more "adult" a comic - Lutetia makes snide references to the baby been put outside the door of bachelor Asterix (though he's shown to share a bedroom with Obelix) - this really upsets Asterix. Also Lutetia gets upset when a nurse (really a Roman soldier in drag) comes to live with them - living in sin. That's a French comic for you, I guess. It's really the Romans who drive this story, as they continually try to get the baby back - there's not one but two undercover agents, suggesting a lack of imagination. Most of the story takes place in and around the village. There is a good ending with the baby revealed to be the bastard son of Cleopatra and Caesar - wasn't this kid killed later on?

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