Saturday, October 07, 2006

TV series review - "Entourage: Season 2" ****

Second season of the hot new HBO show gets of to a slightly wonky start with a first ep that spends a bit of time straining to get there, and falling into some erratic conversations about rooting girls on their period, but soon gets into stride. Some signs that it is the second season: the scripts are slightly more formulaic (Turtle and Johnny become firmly ensconsced as C plotters), the support actors have been given a beauty treatment (Johnny a bit more buff, Turtle's hair has been done), more cameos. But still some strong moments, and it retains its soul; this series is such a great guy fantasy, its Sex in the City for Blokes - you get to live in a big house with your mates by the beach, have sex with women, fly around the country with a plane, known famous people, actually do decent service (not just sponge off your famous mate but actually help him), buy nice things if you want them; I would say it was more "achievement" orientated than Sex in the City (i.e. the latter was about relationships and love, this is about Making a Movie, Making a Deal, Buying a House). The choice of music is particularly fine (there is a homage to Goodfellas with Ari driving around frantically to 'Monkey Man').
I like how Ari continually reminds E he bought the lottery ticket - which he did, and its good the show recognises it. It's also good how the show pokes fun of the movie industry, but affectionately - like The Devil Wears Prada does with the fashion industry. Holly Valance has a sexy-as role in episode 2. Mandy Moore is a good sport again in a not particularly flattering role as herself. Love Richard Schiff's bit, too. Being in an entourage must be so much fun!!

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