Friday, October 13, 2006

Movie review - "Tiger Bay" (1959) ***

Director J Lee Thompson became known in the 70s and 80s for a series of crappy action films but his reputation in the 50s and 60s used to be very high - this is a well renowned thriller from the era, with a relatively simple plot (young girl witnesses a murder), boosted by some evocative depiction of the harbour town (multi-racial, tawdry halls, blaring radio) and excellent performances, particularly Hayley Mills as the feisty young girl who knows Horst Bucholz is a killer but still defends him - only to put her foot in it a la the kid in The Fallen Idol.

It's a little wonder Mills became a star and was put under contract to Disney; few films have better conveyed the lack of, well, morality amongst children - this character would have fitted in just fine with the Lord of the Flies gang

The fact that the Poles are so hotheaded and emotional is a little debit. John Mills is in it too.

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