Friday, October 13, 2006

Movie review - "Waiting for Guffman" (1996) ***

Skilful mockumentary from Chris Guest and friends which takes on an admittedly easy target - community theatre - but does it will skill, insight and deftness. For some reason I enjoy these films more on seeing them again than the first time - you can enjoy the acting even more, the subtle touches.
Many cute moments: I particularly loved Corky St Clair's shop at the end. The stakes are a little frustrating: unlike Spinal Tap where the stakes were real, and Best in Show where they were actually going to win the competition, here the dreams are too silly: there is no chance they will ever go to Broadway, when they are disappointing its more irritating than anything else (if only it had been something they had a real chance of achieving... a grant or something).

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