Monday, March 03, 2025

Movie review - "Thunderbolt and Lightfoot" (1974) ***1/2 (warning: spoilers)

 Michael Cimino got his directing career going with this buddy comedy, a genre much in vogue at the time. Cimino's commercials background means he knows how to fill a frame and compose an image. It ambles a bit in that Malpaso way. I was surprised how low fi it was (essentially a two hander which morphs into a four hander with a big heist sequence in act two). Also how homoerotic it was - Jeff Bridges is clearly in love with Clint Eastwood who is into Bridges; there is talk of women and they pick some up (including Catherine Bach) but it feels forced.

Interesting to see Bridges in drag after reading what came out about Cimino but that just may be accidental. Neat touches and twists like how George Kennedy dies. I'm guessing Midnight Cowboy was an influence.

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