Sunday, March 09, 2025

Movie review - "Stanley: Every Home Should Have One" (1984) *

 Oz attempt at Arthur has Peter Bensley as the titular man child who goes to live with an ordinary family - Graeme Kennedy (who would've been idea for the lead when younger), Susan Walker, Joy Smithers and David Argue (who would've been better if more aggro). He reomances Nell Campbell and the two don't have chemistry.

The film cost $4 million - there are some pretty shots of Sydney Harbour but I'm not sure where it all went. 

The plot might've been okay for a half hour kids thing. There is adult stuff with Kennedy being busted at a gay bar with Harold Hopkins, Walker having an affair, Smithers being pregnant to an Aboriginal and Argue being a drug dealer... actually isn't this the plot of Bliss?

Over time the film's lack of comedy, endless cut aways of Max Cullen stalking Bensley and lack of chemistry between Bensley and Campbell got on my nerves and I started to hate the movie.

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